Part 8: A True Warrior

It seems that we have finally managed to obtain our "proof of partnership" and are now on the way to our second and last fight in the arena. Also, we learned more of Escher's back story which for some reason has made Musiea somewhat distressed.

Of course, we will be fighting Eluca and Zhamo. But before that...

...let's visit the resident perv and get that out of the way. Anyway we need to buy next level equipment, so...

A new weapon for Musiea. Not buying one for Escher since we got a better sword in the dungeon last time.

And two sets of clothes. Looks like they ran out of imagination for equipment names here... BTW, lonsdaleite is a mineral, very similar to diamond just a bit less hard.

As always, two new gems for our accessory slot.
So, back to Eluca and Zhamo now that we are done shopping.

And once again, just before the fight, we actually get a friendly and relaxing conversation.

I guess.

Still looking as strange as ever with those blue tubes.

And the fight starts.
This one is definitely harder than Olgar and Vahti, mostly because Eluca and Zhamo have the potential do deal more damage. We are right now actually at a slight advantage because of those extra 6 levels that I gained from those two Billikens. In general, you don't want to use the pair attack while both of your opponents are alive--you want to have one person (Escher) attacking Zhamo and the other (Musiea) on support/healing to make sure both characters' HP is on a good level. If she has nothing else to do, she will also attack but solo, not in pair with Escher. Eluca and Zhamo both have somewhere around 10,000 HP each.
So let's see how this goes.

To start with, I remember that I have a few of these items. As you can see they deal damage equal to 15% of current HP--not bad at all. So we'll start by using two of those on Zhamo:

Not bad, that's more than a quarter of his HP down already!

We get hit by a multi-target fire spell! Even if you don't use pair attack, you may still get hit by a multi-target spell instead.

Also of note, Eluca has an ability that regenerates about 5% of her HP at the end of every turn. Hence why we start with eliminating Zhamo first.

Escher's first attack goes not too well.

But Musiea shines through with no less than a critical!

Eluca retaliates against Escher--here you can see how much damage she can deal. If we had done a pair attack, Musiea would now have been hit for something similar. As it is, she can simply heal Escher in next turn.

In this fight I got incredibly lucky with these Magical/Physical Block abilities. They seem to fire about every other turn, without exaggeration!

To keep the morale gauge on our side as much as possible I keep using Escher's Trompe l'il skill as always in boss fights.
Unfortunately the fight is briefly interrupted.

I don't think there's anybody who DIDN'T see this coming, after what happened last time. Except Escher, that is.

We continue the battle in the same way...

And soon, Zhamo is down. Now we can focus on Eluca.

At this point, we can more or less go with pair attacks which are very effective.


And the fight is over.
Since this is a fight that nicely shows off the features of the battle system I am actually including a full video recording here. It also contains a cutscene in the middle so you can also get a taste of what the voice acting sounds like. I'll come back to this in next update, but for now I'll just mention that SquareEnix really went all out on this front--the game contains the exact opposite of "noname" cast; most actors have had quite a few well known roles in Anime and Japanese games (voice acting is in Japanese only, there are no versions in other languages). See if you can recognise Musiea's voice actress, for example.

Japanese voiced dialogue actually contains an additional nuance here. All characters are just calling each other by first names, EXCEPT Zhamo who refers to Escher as "Escher-san". But in this one line, he finally calls him just "Escher" signifying that they are more equals now. And since I am already on the subject, I might as well mention that Zhamo is also the only one who refers to himself as 僕 (boku) while all the other male characters use 俺 (ore) thus putting Zhamo a bit "lower" on the "manliness" scale compared to the rest.

As always, we learn the opponents' skills. Probably the most important is the Recover HP skill, it gives you back 5% of your max HP at the end of the turn. Technically it belongs to Escher, but if we do a pair attack, then Musiea will also take benefit of it automatically. His other skill, Risk Breaker does an attack that uses your HP to deal damage to enemy. Musiea's two skills are Braveheart, which prevents you from being KO one time after you cast it and Boost Critical which... boosts critical damage (this is a passive skill).
Time to leave the arena.